Gulf War Syndrome (currently ongoing)
This installation reproduces the facilities of YPG––a US military test-site in Arizona which simulates Middle Eastern climate. This mock-facility demonstrates how respiratory systems in Iraq and Arizona suffer parallel harms due to analogously hostile climates and military activity. Moreover, the project speculates how YPG assets could be reappropriated to produce mutualistic computation favoring the vulnerable in both regions.
Father Stephen Lesniewski
In the early 2000s, Father Stephen Lesniewski, a relatively unknown Chicago priest, used the voice recording of a child and a stack of CD-ROMs to create what is now a viral anti-abortion ‘character’. In this installation, a language model strips the imagined reality of Lesniewski’s rhetoric––one dependent on an emotional appeal from a character that could never be real.
portrait of mother
A portrait of my mother using the kind of private data she provides medical institutions. Using an ML generated model, based on actual vitals measured from her, these machines pump and breath at the (generated) rate that my mother’s heart and lungs did on 22/02/22. A portrait in the form of a clock, running everyday and reliving 22/02/22 forever.
We do it all the time
Highway Hypnosis is a phenomenon where a person driving stretches of repetitive scenery has no recollection doing so. This film uses Highway Hypnosis as a metaphor to explore how computational transactions define ‘crisis.’ The film renders programmatically, updating its visuals to feature crises in my recent web history––suggesting that through a stream of interchangeable scenery, just like on the road, we’ve fallen asleep at the wheel.
Doll House
During the pandemic lockdowns, inviting someone in often only extended so far as digital interaction. Doll House, then, was an explicit extension of my home onto the web––a space for experiments in virtual intimacy towards visitors who, largely, came from my immediate community.